"Basketball Power," a basketball and life skills program founded by the Kazickas Family Foundation, announces the start of its 2017-2018 season! On Saturday, September 30th, the "Basketball Power" administration had a meeting and discussion about the upcoming season. Coaches, coordinators and managers shared their thoughts on program's development and best ways to make the most out of this season.
Rutenis Paulauskas shared his expertise on how to improve coaching skills and Arminas Vareika, program manager, encouraged coordinators to make this year the best year yet. Special Olympics project manager Ausra Kriskovieciene, Ariogalos vaikų dienos centras director Donata Klizienė and JDC Veliucionys director Jadvyga Svolkiene also joined the meeting. They shared their experience with children and the importance of "Basketball Power" in young person's lives.
'Basketball Power" children and coaches start basketball practices and life skills discussions this week already and everyone is welcome at one of program's 16 different locations!