Usually, the Lithuanian Cultural Camp Neringa would have been packed with children's excitement, commotion, and laughter this time of the year. However, these days its visitors are just the occasional bird or frog. While many were left heartbroken not to have the opportunity to see their friends at Neringa, the camp administration, counselors and community members have been working hard to keep everyone connected.
Usually, the Lithuanian Cultural Camp Neringa would have been packed with children's excitement, commotion, and laughter this time of the year. However, these days its visitors are just the occasional bird or frog. While many were left heartbroken not to have the opportunity to see their friends at Neringa, the camp administration, counselors and community members have been working hard to keep everyone connected.
Virtual Neringa brings most of the regular camp activities to your home this summer. Cooking, singing, hiking, art projects, meditation, beekeeping and many more activities are available virtually. A Zoom call with videos, photo collages and kind words for Neringa 2020 graduates was presented to the campers and their families.
However, the biggest highlight of the entire summer would have been the last Sunday in July spent in Putnam, CT where for the last 50 years Neringa campers have been bringing the most memorable hour of singing, dancing and a ton of excitement to everyone gathered at the annual Lithuanian picnic. The Immaculate Conception Convent grounds get filled with laughter and tears of goodbyes in between the songs that children take home with them to keep them anxiously waiting for next year. This July, the picnic was also brought to everyone's homes thanks to longtime camper and counselor Jogirdas Vainauskas. A video with moments collected from a few previous picnics gave everyone an opportunity to relive those special moments.
Fifty years of Neringa has built a large community of dedicated individuals who constantly are giving back and continue investing in Neringa for future generations. THANK YOU for keeping Neringa strong!
The Kazickas Family Foundation has been a proud supporter of Camp Neringa for many years.