Basketball club "Somewhere Seen" enthusiastically joined "Basketball Power" work. Monday, January 30th, they visited Lentvaris day center's youth to shoot some hoops together. "Somewhere Seen" Haris Zenkovas shares his thoughts of the evening while promising to come back soon.
Haris Zenkovas
"Different Kind of Monday"
I have to admit, when we got invited to meet/play basketball with Lentvaris day center's youth, I didn't know what to expect. Some doubts crossed my mind "How will they accept us, will we be able to get their attention, will they open up to us, will we be able to create trusting atmosphere?" However, all doubts escaped the minute practice started - children's eyes sparkled brighter than gym's lights, and courage overtook even us.
What seems like simple everyday exercises that we've practiced hundreds of times before, gains completely different substance while it's done hand in hand trying to seek and share the emotion. Younger men beat us by one point the very last second, but we didn't feel like loosers. Well. maybe Ervinas who made that crucial mistake.
After the match, we gathered at quite uncommon place for a conversation - on a staircase in the hallway, which provided some authenticity for an open and sincere conversation with children abandoned by their parents. We all introduced ourselves, shared what we did for living, what we believed in and what basketball meant to us.
Mindaugas Mizgaitis suggested not to do anything in life "just so." Don't study just so, don't play basketball just so, because your entire life will go by just so. Julius Bliudzius admited that today's "victories" are more meaningful than the ones achieved during the traditional matches. Henrikas Simkus offered to look. To look, to try, even 100 different areas until you find the one that gets you going. How otherwise will you know what you like if don't even try? Ervinas Kvitkauskas suggested to live with a passion and dedication to such activity that you call a hobby, not just work and figure out how to make a living out of it. Hobbies exist because people like them. Justinas Daugela pointed out the value of education, because education empowers you not just intellectually and creates positive image in the society, but also makes it easier to integrate into a job market. Paulius Ambrazevičius who celebrated his birthday right there on those stairs, was certain that sport develops the personality. He's very excited that he discovered basketball, because knowing his tendency to goof around, he discovered a perfect vehicle for it - basketball. He hasn't even finished his carrier yet and already made it to Liepalotai Basketball Hall of Fame.
Sometimes things that seem insignificant to us, are powerful to others. That I'm certain of after spending time with children today. Emotions and efect of receiving while giving is an amazing feeling. We we invited to come back again, because now we are their friends, not just some strangers.
P.S. Thank you to their amazing coach Arminas Vareika, I'm genuinely jealous to his students of their leader! Also, to the project "Basketball Power" for such opportunities provided to the children.
Receive While Giving.
Photos: Courtesy of Haris Zenkovas