Dr. V. Kudirka Lithuanian School held fund-raising event in order to receive the Kazickas Family Foundation Matching Grant. KFF A. Kazickas Grant Program supports Lithuanian Heritage Schools in the US. Matching Grant (up to $1,000) motivates schools to organize fund-raising events in order to support their school work.
On September 24th, at the American Latvian Cultural Center, Dr. V. Kudirka Lithuanian School organized an event that has already become a tradition "Oktoberfest in Lithuanian". Everyone was invited to spend time outdoors among the Lithuanians.
Main goal of the event was to raise funds for Dr. V. Kudirka Lithuanian School's children's education. School, working together with the Kazickas Family Foundation, used a "KFF Matching Grant" opportunity, where foundation matches every dollar up to $1,000. School reached and exceeded its $1,000 goal and is grateful to the KFF for its support during this event and over the years!
We're excited to share that many participants had an opportunity not just to taste Lithuanian food, have a pint of beer, to chat with others, but to move around a bit as well.
The bravest ones participated at the strongest man's competition, while children played basketball, various table games, competed at the relay races where the names of two teams accordingly were "Lithuania" and "Žalgiris". Children and adults were entertained by Jolanta's harmonica's music, Lithuanian songs, night dances and movie under the stars.
Lucky names of lottery prize winners were announced at the end of the night.
We thank everyone who contributed to this event in any way. Because of you fall's Saturday night was painted in beautiful colors.
Funds collected during the event and $1,000 KFF Matching Grant will be used for schoolchildren's new and already existing programs. School works hard to create new educational methods and extracurricular activities. School successfully continues its already established activities, such as basketball, religion, robotics lessons, preparation for the First Communion, field trips to celebrate Lithuanian holidays (such as Mardis Gras), career days and such.
Text and Photos: Dr. V. Kudirka Lithuanian School