For the third year in a row the Kazickas Family Foundation has awarded the most motivated Basketball Power youth with scholarships to the summer camp in Karkle. This summer foundations new program's Girls Power participants also had an opportunity to spend some time by the sea. One of the campers, Emilija, shares her excitement and gratitude:
"THANK YOU to the coaches Rokas Jankūnas, Lukas Virozerovas, Povilas Gancevičius, Mantvydas Ramonas, Gediminas Bražionis for their support and example shown how to be a united and strong team.
THANK YOU to my coach Alberta Eisimantaitė for the practices, opportunities, life experiences shared, motivation, encouragement, limited phone time, pizza and the best memories made.
THANK YOU to the camp Žilvitis organizers for new friends who will always be not just Facebook friends, interesting activities, warm environment not just because of the sun and the sea, but because of the most amazing coaches and counselors.
To the Kazickas Family Foundation and Arminas Vareika - You've heard hundreds of Thank You's already for the opportunity to participate at this camp. And the hundred and first one is from me. Really big and sincere one. I feel so special that I got this opportunity. This feeling didn't fall from the sky, you gave it to me. And not just when you gave me a spot at the camp, but also the entire year with the Basketball Power. Each and every one of you are my role models because of what you do and I feel blessed that i have people in my life who I can lean on and learn from. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for all that you give not just to me but to everyone else as well.
To all the readers:
Right now I'm overwhelmed with excitement, so I'm not sure how it will come out in writing. I'd like to wish each and everyone of you to experience this unreal program Basketball Power that does magic. It is because of people who care about others and want to help anytime. I hope you get to meet Basketball Power coaches or maybe you'd like to become one. And you don't even need basketball knowledge, because that is not the most important thing. The most important thing is a wish to help children to reach for their dreams. So if you sincerely want to contribute - there is a spot waiting for you.
How can you get to the camp next summer?
It's all in your hands and everything is up to you. If you want to experience all that camp offers (and I believe next summer it will be even better) all you have to do is:
* All year responsibly attend Basketball Power practice. Participate in all its events.
* Try your best to be a leader: to help others, be kind and good person. If you think you don't possess these qualities, then you are wrong. You can learn all of it, all you need is an effort and time. Try to become the best version of yourself every day. If you think you can do this then next point is just for you.
* Start running in the mornings. You don't want to show up at the camp not prepared, do you?"
- Emilija Kvederavičiūtė
THANK YOU, Emilija!