Gabija, an ASSIST scholar at Stony Brook School, was visited by the KFF team members Neila Baumiliene and Ginte Geneder. The Kazickas Family Foundation sponsors three ASSIST scholars from Lithuania who are spending 2015-2016 school year in different US independent schools.
During the pleasant meeting, Gabija was very excited to share her life-changing experience. "It's been only and already three months, but I feel like I've changed so much. There are so many opportunities, so many chances, you just have to go and get them. The most surprising thing for me is that everyone is so positive. It's contagious and it changes your own perspective as well. There are good days and bad days, of course, but you understand that you don't need to dwell on the small stuff. The entire school feels like one big family. You live, study, eat, spend free time together. Different countries, cultures don't seem so different, because we're all kids with the same problems and face similar challenges. You learn tolerence and understanding here. I can't wait to tell all my classmates back at home that there are so many opportunities out there and they're within the reach if you only approach them with a positive energy and attitude." Gabija was surprised to find out that many Lithuanians live not far from her school and it was a real treat to chat for a little while in her native language. She was very happy to experience all Thansgiving traditions with her teacher's family and is looking forward what Christmas season brings.