Since 2012 Kazickas Family Foundation has been supporting Lithuanian Educational Council of the USA (LEC). Its primarily goal - to nurture Lithuanian heritage by supporting Lithuanian Heritage Schools, teachers, and their students in the U.S.
KFF support one year was used to finance Lithuanian education week at the Dainava camp in Manchester, MI, where teachers and children gather from the entire country. Following year KFF support provided opportunity for an LEC representative to participate at the International European Lithuanian Schools's summer gathering. Students, teachers and parents from such schools, as well as representatives from various Lithuanian communities, diplomatic and governmental organizations are invited to this event. KFF support also helped to collect and upload all the teaching resources to the LEC website's e-library, publish electronic newspaper "Times for Children" which focuses on current events in Lithuania and e-magazine "Eglute" designed for dual language children living abroad, as well as for the teachers looking for educational resources to teach at the Lithuanian Heritage Schools.
In 2016 KFF support allowed to cover the LEC audit expenses that is required by the State of Illinois. Because most of the Lithuanian Heritage Schools operate under LEC umbrella and use its tax payer's number, they are required to provide all detailed financial reports every year. Instead of collecting fees from schools, LEC was able to invest all the time and efforts into completing this task accurately and properly.
In 2015-2016 there were 40 Lithuanian Heritage Schools in US, that served 2036 students with 522 teachers, assistants and administrators.