In 2016, the Kazickas Family Foundation's grant was used to help fund Neringa Camp (Brattleboro, VT) scholarship program. In 2016, Neringa provided a total of $17,625 in scholarships
Various sponsors covered the sum of $7,625. The KFF grant of $10,000 was divided and designated for the following scholarships:
Twenty (20) campers (ages 7-16) from the Lithuanian Speaking Children and Youth Camps, ten of
whom where first-time campers.
Eight (8) campers (ages 7-16) from Heritage English Speaking Children and Youth Camps.
Two (2) families from Lithuanian Speaking Family Camp.
In total the KFF grant provided assistance to 28 campers and 2 families, and supported a total of 61 weeks.
Every camp season more families ask for financial assistance: the total amount requested in 2014 was $21,745, in 2015 - $24,305, in 2016 - $26,585.