Lithuanian National Martynas Mazvydas Library director prof. dr. Renaldas Gudauskas welcomed Kazickas Family Foundation New York office director Neila Baumiliene and foundation's Vilnius office manager Agne Vertelkaite.
On behalf of the president of the Kazickas Family Foundation Jurate Kazickas, guests thanked the National library and Adolfas Damusis Democracy Center for the June 15-16 conference "Political Case for Freedom and Lithuanian Diaspora: Legacy, Present Concerns and Expectations" and exhibition "Three Friends: Damusis, Kazickas and Ambrozaitis".
"We are grateful for the recognition of such individuals who served not just Lithuanian diaspora interests, but also entire Lithuania's," said N. Baumiliene during the meeting. "National library space is a perfect place to present the works of dr. Adolfas Damusis, dr. Joseph Kazickas and dr. Kazys Ambrozaitis, to introduce audience to individuals who dedicated their lives to Lithuania and its causes. We are glad to see the quality of the events and the significance of the contents. We hope that the National library ant the Kazickas Family Foundation will continue to work together."
Prof. dr. R. Gudauskas mentioned that it is a privilege and a commitment to work with the Kazickas Family Foundation. "Synergy of efforts put in together give results that we all, the organizers, and, I hope, the participants, can be proud of. Working with the Kazickas Family Foundation raises expectations quite high and quality becomes a necessity for all National library events. I believe in the importance and significance of our partnership," shared library's director.
On behalf of Jurate Kazickas, Neila Baumiliene presented director of the National library prof. dr. R. Gudauskas and director of the Adolfas Damusis Democracy Center Vidmantas Valiusaitis with the letters of gratitude.