In the United States January 11 is observed as National Human Trafficking Day and January is observed as National Human Trafficking Awareness month. Today millions of men, women, and children around the globe still are being exploited for their bodies and their labor. The Kazickas Family Foundation is committed to help end human trafficking in Lithuania.
Even though Lithuania meets the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and remains on Tier 1, it does not mean that it has no human trafficking problem or that it is doing enough to address the problem. According to the Trafficking in Persons Report 2020 by the Department of State of the United States of America, although the government meets the minimum standards, authorities prosecuted fewer suspects, convicted significantly fewer traffickers, and identified the lowest number of victims in five years. Shortcomings in victim protection during the investigation and trial process hampered law enforcement efforts, and concerns persisted that relevant agencies lacked the knowledge to recognize indicators of child trafficking. Additionally, authorities inconsistently implemented victim identification and referral mechanisms throughout the country, especially in rural areas.
Lower number of cases in Lithuania last year doesn't necessarily represent the reality. Center for Trafficking in Human Beings Victims of Lithuania suggests to multiply the reported 50 cases by 3 to get a more realistic picture. In addition to sex and labor trafficking of Lithuanians inside and outside of the country, reports also indicate an increase in exploitation of foreign workers from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Thailand, India, Cambodia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and other countries. Foreign workers are at risk of labor trafficking by the Lithuanians as long-haul truck drivers, builders, ship hull assemblers, and welders.