On June 17th, 2020, the day marking Alexandra Kalvenas-Kazickas centennial, Vytautas Zemkalnis High School held a virtual ceremony presenting school's students and teacher with the special awards. Last year the Kazickas Family Foundation established such awards to honor Alexandra Kalvenas-Kazickas (1920-2011) memory.
She graduated from Panevezys High School for Girls (currently Vytautas Zemkalnis High School) in 1937, kept visiting the school throughout the years and maintained close friendship. It was her initiative to set up a cozy library in school’s attic in 2001 which now is one of the most visited areas of the building. Alexandra Kazickas also established and funded a literacy award in memory of her dear teacher linguist Petras Butenas in 2002. Today, the Kazickas Family Foundation continues to foster the spirit of friendship with Panevezys Vytautas Zemkalnis High School and entire town community.
Students are offered a great opportunity to participate in five different categories: Academic Accomplishments, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Community Service, as well as “What Is Important to Me”. They are expected to raise personal annual goals, evaluate his/her accomplishments and present two essays: “My Accomplishments and Contributions to My School and Town Community“ and “What Could I Learn from Mrs. Alexandra Kazickas”.
School students nominate their teachers to receive the "Teacher of the Year" award. Nominated teachers have to share their teaching philosophy with the school's community for a chance to win this honorable award.
The recipients of Alexandra Kalvenas-Kazickas 2020 awards were:
- Academic Accomplishments – Karolina Kurinnaja
- Visual Arts - Linas Saltis
- Performing Arts - Lukas Petraitis
- Community Service - Aleksandras Krasnouchovas
- "What Is Important to Me" - Saulė Psibisauskaite
- Jonas Cerniavskis received a special consolation prize
The “Teacher of the Year” award this year was presented to chemistry teacher Violeta Rimaite.
The goal of the contest - to encourage students‘ consciousness, develop skills to raise personal goals, pursue and evaluate them, learn to present self and the accomplishments to the public. In addition, this award introduces students to Alexandra Kalvenaite – Kazickas‘ life and her family history, life experiences, values and family‘s continuous work for Lithuania. These awards not just celebrate students‘ and teachers‘ achievements, but also empowers the recipients to take responsibility for the future of their school, town and Lithuania.