The Kazickas Family is cordially inviting everyone who is lucky to be in Vilnius, Lithuania on August 15th 7pm to St. Casimir's Church where Sacred Music concert dedicated to Alexandra and Joseph Kazickas will be held.
During the event family will share six out of a hundred dr. Joseph Kazickas' letters to his beloved Alyte. For the first time public will get an opportunity to hear in both, English and Lithuanian, his beautiful words to his dear wife that were kept private for many years.
"The letters are deeply personal with their sentiments of our father’s undying love for his “beloved Alyte," shares their daughter Jurate Kazickas in the introduction. Reflections on true meaning of life, what makes the world a better place, what every single one of us can do and much more will be shared.
The long-standing patrons of the Sacred Music Hours cycle gave thousands of organ music fans the chance to listen to the best performers in the world, and word of their appearances has long since spread far beyond Lithuania’s borders. Their tradition, now continued by the Kazickas Family Foundation, has not only become an inseparable part of the Christopher Summer Festival, but also part of the essence of Vilnius.
“It would be difficult to express all our gratitude just in words, so let music speak for us”, say the concert’s organisers, barely containing their enthusiasm – Prof. Leopoldas Digrys and Renata Marcinkutė Lesieur.
August 15th Sacred Hours Performers: LEOPOLDAS DIGRYS (organ), RENATA MARCINKUTE LESIEUR (organ), ASTA KRIKSCIUNAITE (soprano), JUSTINA AUSKELYTE (violin), SAKALAS UZDAVINYS (actor).