Lithuanian Christian magazine "Ateitis"(Future) shares prof. Vaidotas Vaicaiitis' experience at Yale University where he spent six months thanks to dr. Joseph Kazickas Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Yale. Here are some excerpts from the interview:
"Ateitis": Welcome back from your fellowship in the USA where you spent spring semester at Yale University as dr. Joseph P. Kazickas post-doc fellow. Could you,please, share your thoughts with the "Ateitis" readers?
V. Vaičaitis: There is so much to share. I could organize my thoughts into few categories. Overview of my professional experience at Yale is published on Vilnius Univeristy Law School's web site, so I don't want to repeat myself. Just want to mention that I continued my research on the constitutionalism and attended few US constitutional law courses as an auditor at Yale. It was an amazing opportunity to learn more about US constitutional law and all related subjects. This fellowship was made possible because of the Kazickas Family foundation and dr. Joseph Kazickas' endowment to Yale. I wish I could have met dr. Jospeh and his wife Alexandra Kazickas who passed away few years ago.