About the June 11th KFF "Basketball Power" end of season event in Lithuanian daily newspaper "Lietuvos rytas":
"Three years ago we couldn't even dream about such event," - shared Peter Kazickas with a big smile on his face. Well known philanthropist and businessman Dr. Joseph Kazickas' grandson brought an idea of social responsibility project "Basketball Power" from Zimbabwe. Last Saturday, Peter with three hundred children from all over Lithuania and his family members from the US celebrated the closing of the third season already.
During the event by the White Bridge in Vilnius children had a chance to test their skills against their guests. Lithuanian and US troops, Lithuanian Police, celebrity team "Kazkur Matyti" (Somewhere Seen), wheelchair basketball club "Draugyste" (Friendship), Crisis Research Center and software development company "Devbridge Group" participated at the 'Basketball Power" project, initiated and funded by the Kazickas Family foundation and conducted by the Capital Basketball School, end of season event.
Winners of the relay races received t-shirts that were gifts from the NBA offices in London. US Ambassador to Lithuania Anne Hall interacted with the event's participants and guests. President Dalia Grybauskaite sent her greetings, as "Basketball Power" participates at her nationwide social campaign “For A Safe Lithuania."
"Today, while looking around and going back the memory lane, when we started with this idea three years ago, I'm so excited to see what it had become. Just look, during the closing event we have the troops, US Ambassador, President's office, and, of course, 300 children. We never dreamed of accomplishing so much," was sharing 24 year old P. Kazickas.
A Reason to Visit Lithuania
The project became a motivation for a family living in the US to visit their grandparents Joseph and Alexandra Kazickas' homeland. P. Kazickas was laughing that in twenty years he visited Lithuania only twice, however in the last three years he came here six times already.
"My grandparents wanted us, the grandchildren, to have a reason to come to Lithuania, to invest here, to make friends. This wonderful program gave us such reason. We were always proud of our Lithuanian heritage, but now we even feel 100 percent Lithuanian," said P. Kazickas.
Not just Peter came to the event. Foundation's President Jurate Kazickas, her brother John Kazickas and many more family members were there as well.
"This event is a reason for me to bring my children. They might have not come here to volunteer, but to play basketball with children - of course! My son even brought his friends and his girlfriend - people who are not of Lithuanian decent, but wanted to come and see this country," said John Kazickas.
Social responsibility project "Basketball Power" seeks to help children and youth living in poor economic and social conditions in remote Lituanian areas.
"Through basketball we attract youth. Coach who comes to their village every week is their leader, a person that children trust and to whom they open up. Through basketball we try to teach youth life skills that they will need in their future," shared program's manager Arminas Vareika.
Every week, after the basketball practice, coach communicates with children using the topics, prepared by organization "Teach for All." Their object - to teach children to recognize dangerous situations, to avoid them and seek help, to develop confidence, respect, ability to solve conflicts, and to instill positive values. Program also aims to prevent and raise awareness around such important issues as bullying, alcoholism, suicide and human trafficking.
Participated at the Robotics Tournament
Thirteen "Basketball Power" coaches go to sixteen Day centers in Lithuania. It works with NBA, "Hoops 4 Hope" program in Zimbabwe, participates in "One Team", Euroleague Basketball's corporate social responsibility program.
"Basketball has power in Lithuania. We probably wouldn't accomplish anything by just telling children: come talk to me. However, when we invite them to shoot hoops and then chat - it helps. They open up to the coach, share their problems, ask for advice."
Some children said they used to go out drinking before but once they started playing basketball they quit. Those are the things leading to a positive change," - said J. Kazickas.
"This season was extremely successful. Children had an opportunity not just to play sports in their towns, but also to go on field trips, explore big cities, gain experience and knowledge," - shared A. Vareika.
In 2016 "Basketball Power" worked on developing not just social, but also professional skills. It was focused a lot on programming, coding and robotics.
Two "Basketball Power" teams got a chance to compete at the international robotics tournament.
"We want to give children an opportunity to experience various professions. Quite often children living in remote areas don't now what they would like to be in the future, what they should study and don't have any hopes to leave their villages, because everything seems so far away. We show to them, that everything is much closer than they think," - shared program's manager.
Keep in Touch after the Practices
This season Kaunas Juvenile Prison and Veliucionys Juvenile Detention Center joined the program. They are excited that basketball program not just motivates young men, but also disciplines them.
"Quite often youth from the centers run away by climbing the fence, but once "Basketball Power" program started, participating boys don't even think about it. They know that if they run away, they won't be able to attend the practice.
Basketball also motivates their behavior. If they don't make progress, they can not participate. When you're isolated from the world, opportunity to observe the game, play basketball, participate is a huge hope and rehabilitation," - said A. Vareika.
"Basketball Power" coaches keep in touch with children and communicate with them all the time. Even when project is over in their town, children often write asking for advice or when they simply feel lonely.
"When "Basketball Power" was in Sirvintos, a very active and basketball loving boy came to the practice, but he refused to listen to the coach. A while later I learned that this boy lives with his guardian and is a huge "Lietuvos rytas" fan. This year program stopped in Sirvintos, however, we still keep in touch with this boy.
One day I brought him with me to Vilnius to "Lietuvos rytas" and "Zalgiris" game. We went back stage where he had a chance to meet the players. Even though Vilnius team didn't have any luck on court that day, the boy supported the team as a true fan. It seems like we fulfilled just a small dream, but who knows how it will affect his life," - weighed A. Vareika.
Many participating children received basketball uniforms and sneakers.
"Even though practices are only once a week, you see children's faces, see how they grow and develop, it's hard to think what would have happened if that coach wasn't in their lives. When there is no safety at home, it seems that coach is the only support they can depend on," shared A. Vareika.
Reduces Isolation
Not only children and youth participate in "Basketball Power". Program also tries to include people with disabilities and to reduce social isolation. This season people with special needs from Priekules Primary Health Center joined the program.
There was a wheelchair basketball 3X3 tournament during the end of season event. P. Kazickas tried it out. "It was truly not easy, but so much fun. That's one of our program's goals - to get people together and to realize that we all are not so different, we can help each other," - he said.
Even though project exceeded the expectations this season already, program's organizers keep raising the bar. They will put even more focus on youth professional development, encourage volunteering, work with communities, keep developing children's skills in new technologies.
"We are very happy with the progress. We reach more and more children and areas of work expanding and getting more and more interesting. We truly support our coaches because their job is really difficult. They provide opportunity for children to open up, to share, to feel good about themselves.
Basketball and the coach are shelter and role model for children who don't have it at home, where they are affected by alcoholism and other issues," - said J. Kazickas.