The Kazickas Family Visit to Lithuania
Each time the Kazickas family visits Lithuania, they take time to meet with grantee organizations, partners, and participate in events. During their most recent trip, the focus was on our partner appreciation and networking event. However, they also took part in other meaningful activities.
❧ Attended the Closing Concert of the Kazickas Family Sacred Music Hours, where Sophie Kazickas gave a welcome speech. The contemporary music piece “Donelaitis Recomposed” was performed by Renata Marcinkutė-Lesieur (organ), Agnė Matulevičiūtė (keyboard), and Justina Mykolaitytė (voice).
❧ Visited our new grantee “Niekieno vaikai” to meet the team and gain insights into their work.
❧ Visited the grantee “Jaunimo linija” to learn about the mental health needs of youth in Lithuania.
❧ Held meetings at the Kazickas family residence with “Lyderė” to discuss potential collaborations, and with Elena Reklaitis, the head of Lithuanian World Center.
❧ Visited Ukrainian Center, where a presentation was made on joint projects and the needs of Ukrainians in Lithuania.
Although the Kazickas family resides in the US, their commitment to Lithuania remains strong.