“It’s hard to believe that during the first season “Youth Can” program laid such a strong foundation,” shared program’s manager Arminas Vareika smiling. Well known Lithuanian patriot and philanthropist dr. Joseph Kazickas’ grandson Peter Kazickas brought the idea of social responsibility program “Youth Can” to Lithuania from Zimbabwe.
Kazickas Family Foundation’s initiative “Youth Can” teaches youth in rural Lithuania life skills through sports, dance and educational trips. Free weekly extracurricular activities offered throughout entire school year promote discussions, develop critical thinking, responsibility for one’s actions, and a healthy lifestyle.
More than 150 program’s students together with their coaches and coordinators had a unique opportunity to visit Vaidotas Mechanized Infantry Battalion at the Lithuanian Armed Forces Military branch. During the educational trip “A Day in a Uniform” to Rukla, boys and girls learned more about the military, its mission, as well as got to experience what it takes to be a soldier for a day. To show their patriotism and pride all participants gathered in a word “LIETUVA”. Holding hands with the soldiers, teens started singing the National Anthem.
Career Choices
Eighteen “Youth Can” coaches meet with the children in 16 different Lithuanian small towns and villages. Program works with NBA, “Hoops 4 Hope” in Zimbabwe, participates in Euroleague “One Team” program and Presidential campaign “For a Safe Lithuania”.
“We use sport as a tool to get children involved in the extracurricular activities where coach becomes their role model. Our goal is to supplement formal education with life skills training that children need to succeed. This season was really successful: youth had a chance not just to play sports, but also to go on field trips, visit the cities, gain various experience and knowledge,” shared program’s manager Arminas Vareika. Program, previously known as “Basketball Power”, this season changed its name to “Youth Can” and expanded adding more sports variety, few new locations with a focus not just on social issues but career opportunities as well.
Relashionship continues way after the practice
One of the locations where “Youth Can” offers its services this season is Veliucionys Juvenile Detention center. Center’s director was grateful that program keeps teens engaged and encourages them to make a change. “Sports motivate them to take responsibility for their own actions and success. When you are isolated from the world, opportunity to stay active, learn through the experiences, participate in the events is a huge hope and rehabilitation,” shares A. Vareika. “Youth Can” coaches keep their lines open all the time with their students. Boys and girls often text them asking for advice or when they need to talk to someone. “Practices take place twice a week. Watching program’s children having a good time, learning, growing and developing their personalities, it’s hard to imagine where they would be if not for the coach. When there is no safety at home, coach becomes a person that child can lean on,” said A. Vareika. Coaches use life skills training curriculum developed by the specialists at “Teach for Lithuania” offering many tools and tips how to integrate such training into sports.
Reduces Isolation
“Youth Can” initiative works not just with children and youth. Program also includes people with disabilities with a goal to reduce isolation. This season “Special Olympics” athletes, youth with special needs, are “Youth Can” students as well. Program seeks to invest even more effort into participants’ career training, volunteering opportunities, work with their local communities.
Future Plans
“Youth Can” team plans to make program even stronger with more opportunities to apply its model in other areas. “There are many afterschool activities offered in Lithuania, but quite often educators focus on the accomplishments, measured by the awards and diplomas. Our goal is to help them realize that success is not measured by the medals, but by those tiny details hidden in everyday activities helping children to grow as happy and successful individuals”, said A. Vareika.
“Youth Can” will be celebrating its first successful season with a special event in Kedainiai on June 15th.
Photo: "Youth Can" archives