Bernardinai Youth Center
Bernardinai Youth Center is a church youth organization that integrates youth into St. Francis of Assisi parish. Its mission - to accomodate the needs of the youth, to grow in faith and to witness Christ.
For almost a decade Bernardinai Youth Center every month or more often has been visiting Vilnius and Veliučionys children socialization centers. Those centers are homes for youth tending to commit crimes. Volunteers usually come on Thursdays to share their faith, its insights and to witness Christ.
Every year they get together during the advent time, they pray and laugh together. Life constantly tests our faith and this is a great opportunity to test yourself and your faith. Center volunteers and troubled youth share their happy and sad moments, discuss different situations. This year an Alfa course program was introduced at the centers where a prayer, short introduction and insights lead to discussions and sharing. Volunteers, after learning Alfa and Beta programs, have an opportunity to share their experiences and insights and to encourage the youth to share, search for answers and raise such questions like who am I, do I believe in Jesus Christ, do I understand when I committ a sin, when I offend someone else or myself? Bernardinai Youth center helps troubled youth to find their right path.
Kazickas Family Foundation has been supporting Bernardinai Youth Center since 2015.